#116 An Argument for a Holistic Approach to Critical Infrastructure Security

In this episode, Darren talks about the convergence of OT and IT cybersecurity with security expert Steve Orrin (CTO of Intel Federal) and Industrial OT expert Dr. Anna Scott (Chief Edge Architect for Intel Public Sector).   Blog: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/government/podcasts/embracing-digital-transformation-episode116.html Video: https://youtu.be/DRGy_il_nUg
In this episode, Darren talks about the convergence of OT and IT cybersecurity with security expert Steve Orrin (CTO of Intel Federal) and Industrial OT expert Dr. Anna Scott (Chief Edge Architect for Intel Public Sector).   Blog: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/government/podcasts/embracing-digital-transformation-episode116.html Video: https://youtu.be/DRGy_il_nUg
#116 An Argument for a Holistic Approach to Critical Infrastructure Security
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